Happy REMAX Chick

South Coast Ladies Function

20 Oct 2018

The immensely successful third Happy RE/MAX Chick South Coast Ladies function hosted at Sugar Beach Resort on 20 October 2018 was attended by 250 women.

Entertainment was provided by local musician Christopher, and Belly Dancers Michaela Beukes and Lee-Anne Botha. The special guest speaker for the day was Alison Botha.

The event was organised by Estelle Symcox and Pat Symcox acted as Master of Ceremonies. The venue was sponsored by Sugar Beach Resort and the catering was provided by Sheila and her competent staff.

A special thank you to the following sponsors: RE/MAX Coast and Country, Sugar Beach Resort, Gladiator, Hibberdene Pharmacy, Homemade with Heart, Thatcher’s Rest, PDB Services, De La Beauté, Hibberdene Spar, Hibberdene Engen and Mariks Hair Studio.

All proceeds from this function will be donated to “Women suffering from breast cancer”.

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