King Units

Sleeps 2 persons
The king unit is equipped with a king size bed, air-conditioning, a TV, fridge and electric kettle. It has an en suite bathroom with a shower. Tea-and-coffee-making facilities and free toiletries are provided.


  • Sleeps 2 persons
  • Sea View
  • Private Balcony
  • Private Bathroom with Shower
  • Breakfast included
  • Flat screen TV
  • Air conditioning
  • Refrigerator
  • Seating Area
  • Free Toiletries
  • Towels
  • Wardrobe/Closet
  • Electric kettle
Check-in & Check-out

Check-in time is from 14:00 to 22:00. If the room has been cleaned and is ready before 14:00, you may have access to the room earlier. Upon arrival you will be asked for “some kind of ID document? Please have this information ready to facilitate your check-in process.


Check-out time is from 05:00 am to 10:00 am at the latest, but if you need a late check-out, then contact our reception during your stay, and we will do our best to accommodate your request. If the room is available, the normal tariff will be charged.

Payment for in-house services and goods (e.g. restaurant meals and items purchased at our shop) should be settled at Reception upon check-out or as requested by Reception.

Keys must be handed in at Reception before departure.

House Rules
  • When unattended, please close room windows and keep doors locked.
  • Please consider fellow guests and keep the noise levels down.
  • Switch off lights, the TV, air-conditioning and other electrical appliances when not in use.
  • Pets are not permitted on the premises.
Hazardous Goods & Unacceptable Behaviour

Gambling, contraband, prostitution, weapons, explosives, flammable objects, poisons, drugs, animals and pungent food are strictly prohibited on the premises.

Sugar Beach Resort or the owners does not accept any liability for loss of or damage to any valuables or property belonging to guests or their visitors. It is therefore the sole responsibility of all guests to make arrangements for adequate insurance coverage on all valuable items prior to arrival at Sugar Beach Resort. This includes but is not limited to, photographic equipment, laptops or other electronic devices, jewellery, cash and vehicles.

Swimming Pool
Any guest or their visitors using the swimming pool and surrounding area are utilising such facilities entirely at their own risk and that they are fully aware that there are no life saving facilities of any nature provided and therefore indemnify Sugar Beach Resort and the owners of this facility in full and shall have no claim of whatsoever nature against Sugar Beach Resort and the owners including any claim from any injury/ bodily harm/death and or/loss of property which could arise from the use of this facility.

Right of Admission Reserved
Sugar Beach Resort at all times reserves the full right of admission and accepts no liability for any loss or damage that may result from the legal and reasonable exercising of such rights.

Minors are the sole responsibility of the parents, guardian(s) or the person or persons in whose care they are whilst at Sugar Beach Resort or whilst using its facilities.

Halaal Establishment

This is a strictly Halaal establishment. We therefore do not allow any alcohol in the main lodge building. No alcohol is sold on the premises.


For the comfort of all our guests, Sugar Beach Resort is a strictly non-smoking accommodation establishment except for outside guest areas. This restriction includes the use of electronic cigarettes.

Loss or Damage to Sugar Beach Resort
Should Sugar Beach Resort suffer any loss or damage as a result of an act or omission by a guest or visitor of a guest, the guest will remain liable for full reimbursement of such loss or damage incurred and will be billed accordingly.

General Indemnity
Whilst every care has been taken by Sugar Beach Resort to ensure the safety of guests and their possessions whilst enjoying our accommodation, Sugar Beach Resort and the owners do not accept any liability in the event that any loss or damage to persons or property is experienced by a guest and their visitors.

More Rooms

Twin Units

2 Single beds and en-suite bathroom with shower. Air-conditioned and equipped with a flat-screen TV. Private balcony with sea view.

2 Persons

Breakfast Included

Queen Units

Queen size bed and en-suite bathroom with shower. Air-conditioned and equipped with a flat-screen TV. Private balcony with sea view.

2 Persons

Breakfast Included

Family Units

2 Double beds and en-suite bathroom with shower. Air-conditioned and equipped with a flat-screen TV. Private balcony with sea view.

4 Persons

Breakfast Included

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1 Cowry Drive, Elysium, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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